Grief Coaching
Grief is that heart wrenching sinking feeling of missing someone so intensely it literally takes your breath away. Some years are easier than others, while some years feel like it just happened yesterday. Grief can manifest itself in anger, sadness, isolation, depression, overeating to no appetite at all, and so much more.
How we process grief is unique to the individual, but at some point, you will experience all of the above. No one can tell you how to process or when to stop grieving. In fact, grieving never goes away, it just gets easier to bare as time goes on.
Here at A Peace of Mine, we go through this journey with you. We go through all of the emotions with you, to ground you. One thing I ask you, is to Allow yourself to grieve. You will face your fear. You will talk to your loved one. You will address your anger. Your questions will be heard. You will cry. You will scream.
And then…we will begin your healing journey. Your journey is your own. As we go through this process you will be faced with hard truths and acceptance in areas that will rattle and shake you to the core. Yet, after it is all said and done, you will be healthy and functional in your everyday life, living in your New Norm.
If you are experiencing grief-related thoughts, behaviors, or feelings that are distressing, please contact me today for a free consultation
First Step